Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Well Here We Go Again!!

Well lets see what has been happening lately!! Well today we took Roxy to the vet to get her last set of shots! She was a little nervous at first, but that is just because she is a chicken dog... But once the doctor came in to talk to her she was just fine! The shots didn't hurt her at all! And she is very Healthy, so that was all the good news today! We did get some bad news on Sunday night, my grandma's dog Suds passed away! It is pretty sad my grandma has had him for about 13 years! It is just like one of the family has gone! But my grandma seems to be doing good, so we will all be ok!

1 comment:

the SALES family said...

I am sad about Suds - I just heard today - I need to be a better granddaughter and keep better in touch with her! I can't believe it's been that long since she has had Suds - it seems like yesterday the Grandpa passed away and I remember that's when she got Suds - October is not a happy month! Love you all XOXO